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Our Beliefs
The Bible is God’s Word, equally and fully inspired in all its parts and inerrant in its original manuscripts
There is one God who has eternally existed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is fully God and fully man, and is our only Savior.
All human beings are sinners, and can be delivered from their sin only through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation is a gift of God’s grace, purchased for us by the blood Jesus shed in our place on the cross.
Jesus rose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will soon return for his Church.
It is our desire that you will experience the joy of eternal life through personal faith in the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
Be an authentic, caring, loving group committed to making disciples who understand and live out the teachings of Jesus Christ and are engaged in the Great Commission both locally and globally.
Our Priorities
Emphasize the necessity of the new birth, by faith in Christ alone, in order to possess eternal life.
Make disciples and mature followers of Jesus Christ through Biblical teaching, stewardship, and outreach within the local community.
Glorify God in our corporate worship services through the preaching of the Word and a Christ-centered focus in praise, music, prayer, and fellowship.
Maintain a mission-minded focus by committing financial and other resources that actively support ministry opportunities across the country and around the world.
Build up the family of God by equipping the body to know and utilize their spiritual gifts, loving one another, and living transformed lives that bring glory and honor to God in all that we do.
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